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Once again in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+13Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: againonce moreover againSimilar words: again and againstruggle againsthope against hopeagainst the grainagainagainstyet againnow and againMeaning: adv. anew. 
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181. Muhammad Reza deeply resented the way in which his country was once again being governed by its old enemies.
182. Once again the citizens, now politically organized as a commune, were in dispute with the archbishop and the canons.
183. Once again, see Chapter 5, Figure 5.4 for greater detail on this effect.
184. One of them was Moon-Watcher; once again he felt inquisitive tendrils creeping down the unused byways of his brain.
185. Fact follows fancy once again - the assistant curator is now Mr Gibbons.
186. Once again, the gaps between the central strip and the beading must be wide enough to hold the glass.
187. Can the tobacco industry now afford to breathe freely once again, unlike its customers?
188. Once again, he shuffled the recalcitrant deck, smiling too broadly, compelling their attention.
189. Once again, the wisecracks fly as fast as the bullets - and are just as deadly.
190. Once again Charles applied superior force, and many of the rebels immediately submitted.
191. The cross-eyed com-poser was once again gnawing on a chicken bone,( again.html) with a noodle dangling from his black beard.
192. Once again in this phrase reaction against the nineteenth century is bound to a standpoint which relies on anthropology.
193. There is no need to risk derailing the peace train once again.
194. And last October it was announced that his claims to be innocent would be heard once again by the Court of Appeal.
195. If anything, Karpov had the better of these three draws, but at least decisive results were somehow once again in the air.
196. The leisure business continues to be once again seriously affected by the recession.
197. This was a game which, once again, produced a brilliant performance from 82 year-old George Mitchell.
198. Such confirmations merely indicate that some theory that was well established and regarded as unproblematic has been successfully applied once again.
199. Jacinta is once again feeling rejected and persecuted when an unexpected turn in events brings about a happy denouement.
200. Once again the oil companies have come under attack from environmentalists.
201. Once again she suffered badly from morning-sickness although it wasn't as bad as the first time.
202. Her owner rushed to bring her a bucket of oats before she should become entangled in the fence once again.
203. He sat once again at his desk and began to consider how to get the official document translated without arousing further suspicion.
204. But once again microeconomic problems arise since there are two parties to the contract of employment.
205. And, once again, the big names have been conspicuously absent from the upper half of the performance table.
206. Once again, the counter-revolution has taken over the key concepts of this approach and turned them on their head.
207. Once again we worked as a Club, being issued with fine slub yarns and complicated patterns.
208. Now, however, it seems that the route to success may once again involve going back to basics.
209. He saw her lift her chin, trying to once again lift the wrinkles.
210. She was actually in the combat zone now and she noted uneasily that once again she was placed firmly beside the count.
More similar words: again and againstruggle againsthope against hopeagainst the grainagainagainstyet againnow and againpit againstover and againall over againtime and againagainst timeconcealfight againstrevolt againstconcealedproceed againstconcealingconcealmentintelligence agencyover and over againice ageconcentration campronald reagangainregaingainsaybargainungainly
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